Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Store in Kyneton Opening

We are opening our store tomorrow at 5 High Street, Kyneton.  The store will be open every Thursday and Friday 10am to 7pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm and Sunday 10am to 3pm.  All other times by appointment. 

Until  you move everything you have no idea how much stock you really have.  I didn't realise how many coasters, placemats and runners I had until I had filled at least six boxes worth of products.

I know I have been lazy on the blog front recently, I have been spreading myself too thinly between Ladyz That Lunch, my partner's businesss that I am the Marketing and Admin Manager for, helping my brother out as he lost his license and single handly organising my wedding.  However, and that is a big however I now have four days a week that are solely focused on Ladyz That Lunch and no one or nothing else.

Drove up to near the Murray on the weekend to look at a lovely couple's creativity with old fruit stands and boxes and commissioned them to make some stands for the shop.

That's all for now, heading home to prepare for the big day tomorrow, more updates in the next couple of days.